Full Spectrum Dog Training For Real Results

What’s similar between these two dogs?

similarities between dogs


Their hard leash reactivity to other dogs (both), and to people (Pit Bull), formerly made them impossible to walk normally, in public places, with other people and animals around.

If either of them had been handed off to some trainers, we would have been given all kinds of deterrent, distraction, and avoidance techniques.

Or we would have been told to medicate them, or the worst, have them euthanized for being too dangerous to keep.


As it is now, Murphy, the Pit Bull, is being walked by her owner, my daughter, who has put in the work with her. Today, people can walk up and pet her. She gets tense around dogs, but can be walked past them without incident.

When we first started working with her, she hated me, came out barking and lunging at everything, alligator rolled to keep from walking on leash.

Today, she is a lady indeed, with me comfortable walking her on a long line in a public park. My daughter able to walk her anywhere.

Charlie-Belle is the face of my dog training business. What’s clear with her is, she defaults to on leash dog reactivity, genetically. Reactivity that could cause her to ‘load up’ on a dog 100 yards away.

No matter. You can see from my Facebook profile picture where I take her; and that’s often walking around these crowded parks on a 20 foot long-line.

The Road Out Of Bad Behavior Of Your Dog

Because in the process of training these dogs to alternate behavior, we first showed both of them that there are consequences for that horrible reactivity.

Through common, standard correction.

Dealing with that before rewarding them for what we taught them was better.

Training In The Real World Different Than In The Pseudo-Science Of Positive Only Trainers

The hesitation to correct dogs. The jelly-soft emotional treatment of dogs. The attraction to soft training of hard dogs. All encouraged by positive-only dog trainers.

Just a few of the reasons people end up surrendering countless numbers of pets to shelters.

Rather than taking decisive action to correct the behavior that the pet owner cannot live with.

Don’t give up on your pet, or get saddled with inadequate training.

Take Up Real Solutions With Real Full-Spectrum Dog Training

Take your dog through ‘full-spectrum’ training, using all the tools of operant conditioning, that is a legitimately scientific form of real dog training.

~Mark Rogers